Apsis Newsletter Pro v3 API
Please contact support@apsis.se for more details, help and code samples. All methods returns a dataset, new id or number of updated/inserted records. All timestamps are in +0100 UTC. All datavalues must be UTF-8 encoded if containing special characters (å,ä,ö etc).
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.
Import subscribers using XML-data. After successfully reading the data, the import will be placed in queue for processing. Returned value is queue identity, this can be used for querying the queue for the import status. Everything between strXmlData tags must be html encoded -
Delete a mailinglist by id. -
Delete newsletter by id. -
Delete a user from the global optout list by either Subscriber Id or Email. -
Delete a user from a specific optout list by either subscriber id or strEmail and a mailinglist id. -
Delete sendqueue by id. -
Delete a subscriber. Mailinglist id is optional. If mailinglistId is supplied the subscription is deleted not the subscriber. If no mailinglistId is supplied the subscriber is deleted. -
Delete a subscription using SubscriberId or Email. Mailinglist id is optional. Default=Remove from all mailinglists. -
Empty a mailinglist by mailinglistid. -
Get a list of ActiveTemplates. -
Get all bounces for an account. -
Get a list of demographic data fields. -
Get a list of detailed newsletters. If parameter IntervalFrom is NULL, the current date minus 30 days will be used. If parameter IntervalTo is NULL, the current date will be used. -
Get a list of active filters. -
Get the state of a import from the importer queue. States [Waiting = 0, Working = 1, Completed = 2, Failed = 3]. -
Retrieve information about a specific url in your newsletter in excelformat. -
Get Login linkid for direct login access from external systems. Example of usage: http://www.anpdm.com/auto-login.aspx?id=xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx -
Get mailing list details by mailing list ID. -
Get a list of current mailinglists. -
Get details for a newsletter. -
Get a list of all filters used by a newsletter. -
Get a web version url of a newsletter with specified filters. -
Get a list of newsletters. -
Get global optout list for an account. -
Get global optout list in a given period for an account. From (long, 2007-01-01) To (long, 2007-01-01) -
Get an optout list for a mailinglist. -
Get global optout list for a specific mailing. -
Get a list of subscribers in a specific mailinglist as a paged result. PageIndex is the index of the page to fetch (the first page has index 1) and PageSize is the size of each page (number of subscribers to fetch) -
Get views and clicks for all active subscribers from a specific mailing. -
Get bounces from a specific mailing. -
Get bounces from a specific mailing by date interval. Valid date format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. This method will also return values for one Demographic Data field (specified by DD field name like "Country", "Age" etc.). -
Get clicks for a specific mailing. -
Get clicks for a specific mailing by date interval. Valid date format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. This method will also return values for one Demographic Data field (specified by DD field name like "Country", "Age" etc. -
Get details from a specific mailing. Filter Id is optional -
Get linkid for access to a single report from external systems by either SendQueueID or NewsletterID (latest mailing). Example of usage old report: http://www.anpdm.com/reports/view-report.aspx?id=xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx -
Gets views from a specific mailing. -
Gets views from a specific mailing by date interval. Valid date format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. This method will also return values for one Demographic Data field (specified by DD field name like "Country", "Age" etc. -
Get a list of reports. -
Retrieve ROI results for a specific sending. -
Get a list of scheduled mailings. -
Get a list of scheduled mailings and already sent mailings. NewsletterId and Status are optional. Status can be either 0(not yet sent out), 1(in progress), 2(has been sent) or 3(has been sent and passed 30 days). -
Get a subscribers details by either subscriber Id or Email. -
Get a subscribers active mailinglists by either subscriber Id or Email. -
Get a list of subscribers in a specific mailinglist. -
Get a list of templates. -
Get the transactional bounce list by date interval for a specific transactional project. Valid date format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss. -
Get details from a specific transactional mailing. Use Identifier or Email for identification. -
Get a list of transactional projects. -
Get a list of all triggerbounces in a trigger. -
Get a list of all triggerclicks in a trigger. -
Get a list of all triggerIds on an account. -
Get a list of all triggerviews in a trigger. -
Insert a module into an active template newsletter. strModuleId is the ID of the module you wish to use in the newsletter and must be specified. strModuleCode (default: original module code), strModuleIndex (default: 0), strFilterID, strHolderID (default: 0) are optional parameters. -
Insert multiple subscribers from a semicolon-delimited textfile, to the import-queue. The file shall not contain a header row. The fields in the text-file should be: mandatory fields (Email;Name;Format;) and optional fields(dd1;dd2;dd3;dd4;dd5;dd6...d100). Format should have either one of the two values HTML or Text. Demographic data fields 1-100 are optional, but must be specified in that order. The URL is the complete path to the file, with forward-slashes between directories. E.g. http://api.anpdm.com/example-files/import-examplefile.csv. Returns Id of queued import. Recommended usage: <50 000 rows. -
Insert multiple subscribers from a custom-delimited textfile. The fields in the text-file should be: mandatory fields (Email;Name;Format;) and optional fields(dd1;dd2;dd3;dd4;dd5;dd6...d25) or up to dd100 if activated on account. Format should have either one of the two values HTML or Text. The URL is the complete path to the file, with forward-slashes between directories. E.g. http://api.anpdm.com/example-files/import-examplefile.csv. Recommended usage: <80 000 rows. -
Insert multiple subscribers with demographic datafields using csv (comma separated) list and newline as delimiter. The fields in should be: mandatory fields (Email,Name,Format,) and optional fields(dd1,dd2,dd3,dd4,dd5,dd6...d25) or up to dd100 if activated on account. Format should have either one of the two values HTML or Text. ( alternative delimiter: | (pipe) )" -
Insert multiple subscribers with demographic datafields using csv (comma separated) list and newline as delimiter. The fields should be: mandatory fields (Email,Name,Format,) and optional fields(dd1,dd2,dd3,dd4,dd5,dd6...d25) or up to dd100 if activated on account. Format should have either one of the two values HTML or Text. ( alternative delimiter: | (pipe) ) -
Insert new mailinglist. Description and Characterset are optional. Default strCharacterSet is iso-8859-1. -
Insert a new newsletter. Tracking value is optional (values: all/no/roi), default tracking value: all -
Insert single subscriber. Values for strFormat: HTML or Text. If subscriber exist on optoutall it is not possible to insert the subscriber -
Insert single subscriber. Values for strFormat: HTML or Text. If subscriber exist on optoutall it is not possible to insert the subscriber. But always returns subscriber ID -
Insert single subscriber with demographic datafields. Email (char), Name (char), Format (HTML/Text). Datafields and datavalues (100 fields) can be used for filtering or datamerging. Datafields=DD1;DD5;DD100 Datavalues=testdata1;testdata5;testdata100. (alternative delimiter: | (pipe) ). If subscriber exist on optoutall it is not possible to insert the subscriber -
Insert single subscriber with demographic datafields and pending option (Double-Opt-In). Email (char), Name (char), Format (HTML/Text). Datafields and datavalues (100 fields) can be used for filtering or datamerging. Datafields=DD1;DD5;DD100 Datavalues=testdata1;testdata5;testdata100. (alternative delimiter: | (pipe) ). Pending = (true/false). If subscriber exist on optoutall it is not possible to insert the subscriber -
Insert a subscription using SubscriberId or Email. -
Insert a new template newsletter. Tracking value is optional (values: all/no/roi). Returns ActiveTemplateID -
Function for sending a transactional strEmail. ID is used to identify project. Identifier (char), Name (char), Format (HTML/Text), SendDate (long, 2007-01-01 01:00) are optional parameters. Datafields and strDataValues (100 fields) can be used for filtering or datamerging. Datafields=DD1;DD5;DD100 Datavalues=testdata1;testdata5;testdata100 (alternative delimiter: | (pipe)) -
Function for sending a batch of transational email. FileUrl is the absolute XML URL (e.g. http://cust. Format will be the default format for all receivers in batch. -
Function for sending a transactional email. ID is used to identify project. Identifier (char), Name (char), Format (HTML/Text) and SendDate (long, 2007-01-01 01:00) are optional parameters. Datafields and datavalues (25 fields) can be used for filtering or datamerging. Datafields=DD1;DD5;DD24 Datavalues=testdata1;testdata5;testdata24 (alternative delimiter: | (pipe)). If a value is larger than 500 characters, it will split it and add it to the following demographic fields. -
Checks whether a mailinglist exists or not. Returns: -1 on internal failure, 1 if mailinglist exists, and 0 if it doesn't. -
Move a subscriber to OptOutAll by Email. SendQueueId is optional and should be supplied if you want to keep track of which sending this email belongs to. Reason and MailinglistId is also optional and is only used to keep track of those values. -
Saves a newsletter. This method must be used before sending a newsletter in order for the newsletter to have any content and also to get a linkreport. newsletterType: 1 = HTML, 3 = template/module -
Function for creating a mailing. SendDate (long, 2007-01-01), SendTime (hour:minute, 00-23:00-59) and FilterId are optional parameters. -
Sends a single transactional SMS. Note! If there are not enough SMS credits on the account, the SMS will be sent as soon as the account has been refilled with enough SMS credits. -
Sends an SMS message to a specific mailinglist. Note! If there are not enough SMS credits on the account, the SMS will be sent as soon as the account has been refilled with enough SMS credits. -
Sends a single transactional SMS explicitly setting the sender name. Note! The sender name cannot exceed 16 characters and if there are not enough SMS credits on the account, the SMS will be sent as soon as the account has been refilled with enough SMS credits. -
Update settings for a MailingList. -
Update settings for a newsletter. Tracking value is optional (values: all/no/roi) -
Update settings for a newsletter. Tracking value is optional (values: all/no/roi) -
Update subscriber data by subscriber Id or Email. Name, Format, CountryCode, PhoneNumber are optional. Format values: HTML or Text -
Update demographic data for a subscriber by entering datafieldnumber (1-100) and a value. -
Update an existing email address with a new. Does not affect statistics.